To celebrate Wetherby RUFC’s first ever game in NE2, we will be hosting a Vice Presidents lunch before our fixture with Pontefract on Saturday 7th September. Tickets are available for non-VPs for £25 per head. Your ticket includes entrance, match-day programme and a two-course lunch.
Tomato & Red Pepper Soup with a Creamy Pesto Swirl
Roast Topside of Beef with Yorkshire Pudding, a Selection of Vegetables, and a Rich Roast Gravy
Arrival 12:30-13:00, to be seated for 13:15. Purchase your tickets via the link below:
Vice president’s membership is available to all our members and spectators for £10/month. The VP membership includes free entry to home games, an annual lunch, a bespoke VP tie and access to match videos of 1st team games. If you’d be interested in becoming a VP, please contact our club secretary at